Monday, May 28, 2007

The Honeymoon

So we went on a cruise to the bahamas and Key West for the honeymoon. It was great, and relaxing, but I think we could have partied things up a bit if we boozed it up like everyone else, but instead, we realied on eachother for entertainment, which ended up being very successful. JT is a goof ball and I love hanging out with him. We ate like total cows...especially me!! The food was fabulous, and you could order as much as you want for free... So this is how my conversation went with our waiter... "Good evening Miss... what would like for your appetizer?"
"I will have the Spinach dip and the Lobster rolls please"
The waiter replied with a surprised expression "OK, sure, would like the soup or the salad?"
"mmmm sounds good, I will have both"
"Ok...and for your entree?"
"yes, I would like the prime rib, filet mignon, salmon and can you just bring all the desserts, I can't decide.."
The waiter looked digusted as he brought my entrees one by one, as I demolished each plate. I told the waiter that I must be starting my period soon, cause I usually don't eat that much.. but he knew that was a lie when I ordered like that every night for 5 days in a row... MMmmm it was gooood!! (FYI, I really never revealed to my server that I was about to menstrate, that would be slighlty inappropriate... :)


mostly Stacy said...

I didn't know you were ever concerned about being appropriate, I guess marriage really has changed you. So we need to go on cruise together, all the sisters. Would'nt that be fantastic.

Anne Marie said...

I was waiting for you to tell all about the Sultan room as part of the honeymoon. The pictures just don't do it justice.