Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Just looking out for my future

So, I am so sick and tired of thinking about my weight!!!!....!!!!!! The thing is, is I know that I am not a fatty McFatterson or anything, but I just keep climbing the scale, and after I have kids, I will look sick! My boobs will look like lemons hanging in the bottom of tube socks, and my arms will hang and be as thick as my thighs and accumulate just as much cellulite.
If I was dedicated to working out, I would be pretty smokin, I think that I have a pretty face, but boy, when I see myself naked... we won't go there. So my sister and I were talking about some motivating ways to drop a few sacks of potatoes... How crazy does this sound... I ate a whole box of hoe hoe's in one day, except for one... I came home from my lunch shift and my hubby ate the last one. Which he is entitled to since his ham of a wife ate the rest, but can I tell you how disapointed I was! I was looking forward to that dang hoe hoe my whole lunch shift.. Does this make me a fatty mcFatterson?


Anne Marie said...

No you are not a fatty!! Please a pretty face goes a long way. You wanna join me on Friday morning meetings?

MoJo said...

Kenz, you are gorgeous and you got huge boobs, who wouldn't want that?? JT am I right or am I right?

mostly Stacy said...

I once ate all of Steves oatmeal cream pies. I didn't want him to find out that I myself was a fatty mcfatterson so I threw the box away and into the dumpster... dissposing of all incriminating wrappers and told him that I threw the box away so I would'nt be tempted to eat all of them. yeah.... so I lied. I tell myself they are okay because they have oatmeal in them.