Saturday, August 11, 2007


So, it was JT's birthday on the 9th, he had to work during the day, but when he got off work, we went to Ted's Montana Grill, and the food was really great. We don't have loads of money to spend so I had to be creative with gift giving... so we went home, and I made him stay in the office while I put together my home made spa/steam room. He LOVES going to spa's and just sitting in the steam room is like his favorite things ever... ?? Wierd, I know, but it is what he likes... So I went to the store and bought dry ice and put bowls of hot water all around the bathroom, and put the dry ice in, and they the steam turned out SOOOO good... I was happy with it.. The bathroom was FULL of steam, it didn't photograph well but it was way awesome, plus my hubby was naked, so couldnt get too detailed with the pics! :) If anyone does this at home, take note that dry ice puts out some kind of chemical, and made us kinda loopy, and high..not so good.

I also made him a cake, and I am not good at making beautiful things, so I thought I would just get creative, and I made a cake and just stuck his favorite things on top... like q-tips, listerine, chapstick, his nasty brush he cannot live without, dr pepper... so on and so on.. so in conclusion, the day was a success.