Sunday, September 28, 2008

We are moving to frickin Mississippi

Most of my family knows that JT got a great new job. He is part owner with Bonefish Grill. He will be the Propriator over the restaurant in Madison, MS. This is really wonderful, and we both feel as it is ment to be. Even though it is a bit stressful. Bonefish is a fabulous dining. A step of from Red Lobster. (I call it "Stank Lobster") He was a manager with them for 10 years.. so he is on to bigger and better things.
Mean while, I am a working widow. My poor hubby works from 10am-10pm five days a week. He has a bad case of Crohn's Disease and Carpul Tunnel in both hands.. poor guy, but he just keeps on truckin..
We are scheduled to move on October 31st. Happy Halloween. Everything really is running smoothly... except for the fact that we own our home here in Naples and there is no way out of it. But we did find renters!! Hooray! Good news is... JT has a great job, we will be living close to the Dewitt Clan.

1 comment:

Lobdell family said...

Congrats on the move I hope. I hope that JT is starting to feel better.