Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter Sunday

Easter was a great. I woke up early to make JT some easter breakfast. (A few weeks ago, JT bought us an industrial blender. It's amazing! So every morning we make fresh fruit smoothies mmm yumm!) We didn't have any food, so I just made the normal Smoothie and eggs. Haha.. We went to church in the morning of course. The speakers were all relatively entertaining, which is good, cause I am like a little kid in sacrament meeting. I just want to write notes back and forth with Jates, and I make him draw pictures on my back, and then I try and guess, and I also enjoy playing with our friends Caroline and William ( a 1 and 4 year old). Anyways. I did pay attention this Sunday. I went into Gospel Essential sunday school. I know it is a basic class. But I feel like I learn more, cause I actually know what they are talking about. I enjoy gospel Doctorine too, but sometimes it just gets soooo deep, and I am I like to actually know the answer when I am asked a question!! ha! Sorry, I am getting side tract!... I am a Relief Society teacher once a month, and Easter was my turn to teach. I felt like I did a great job. I don't often feel that way! Right after Church, there was a baptism. A family of 3. JT has become pretty close with the boys, so they asked him if he would baptize them. I love watching JT use his priesthood, especially for something this special. It was a really neat experience.
JT had to close the restaurant, so I was left to my lonesome all night. I just scrubbed the house and watched movies with my great friend Karrie. It was fine. Holidays make me really miss my family. They always do fun stuff..


Lobdell family said...

Hey Kenze,
Tell JT congrats on the baptism. My friend had keith bless her kids becuase her husband is a non-member. I am alone a lot at night and only with 1-3 year olds during the day. It does get lonely when you don't have someone to talk to. If you ever have time or just want to talk, please call me any time.
Love ya sis.

Lobdell family said...

When are you going to post your next update?

MoJo said...

Kenze I am so excited for you to lose weight. I, like Stacy, gave up on your blog. Glad to see you back on. I love reading your blogs. I have just about as much weight to lose as you. I got home from the hospital at 190 lbs and I was nursing and everything and still didn't lose one pound for 3 months! Joseph and I started a weight loss program and I've lost 11 pounds. I'm trying to get to 150by June and then my next goal is to get to 140. Glad to see I can check up on you and Jamie as well. :)