Monday, March 24, 2008

Week 2

I am actually quite proud of myself.. I am at 165 now! So 5 pounds down, 15 to go!! I think that the main thing that is helping me is that I invested in a scale. I haven't weighed myself in years! I was terrified to know what the damage was. But now I know the dreaded number, so I can't stay off the scale! Jamie! You are right! I also find myself jumping on the scale whenever I walk in the bathroom. Anyway! Back to the part about the scale helping me out the most, because if I eat something I shouldnt, like a huge, fried Chimiganga with sour cream and guacamole, then I immediatly gain 3 pounds back for every screw up! So, I have nearly steared away from bad fatty meals. I will have a few candies every now and then, just to keep everything in moderation. I also quit Diet Coke! I had one glass with dinner when I engourged myself with that sickly delicious Chimichanga. But I feel pretty dang good!! I am drinking tons and tons of water. I do need to exersize more.. that is the hardest part!
I have to laugh at myself, because I feel a bit thinner, so I tried on my skinny jeans, just in case they fit yet. Fat chance!..... literally


Jamie's Goal said...

Why are you quitting Diet Coke? Do you know something I don't? I want to decrease my intake mainly because I drink less water, when I am always drinking coke...but not to lose weight...unless you have heard that it helps. Let me in on you secret!

Brookie said...

i may sound like a know it all, and how would i know all this right. but i have researched this, not by choice but beacuse travis is a nut. He has the "chubby" gene as well, so he is constantly looking into stuff like this and then is so excited to tell me when he discovers something new.

Lobdell family said...

I heard that to. When I was in High school and going to Karate, our teacher challenged (told us) to quit drinking soda so we could get into better shape. I didn't drink soda for 8 months. I felt great. I felt a lot better trying out for basketball and softball even though I couldn't run and still can't.

Lobdell family said...

My friends lost a lot of weight by just taking out soda. One friend lost I think 20 lbs.

Sarah Mickalson said...

To lose my baby weight I started eating or drinking water every hour. Example:
Breakfast (7am) oatmeal, plain and cottage cheese
8am drink 16 oz water
9 am eat 1 string cheese
10 am drink 16 oz water
11 am eat 1 fruit
noon lunch- 1 can chicken mized with a diced tomato

baiscally protein for lunch and dinner. drinking the water helps you not be hungry and snacking all day helps your metabolsim.
I do this for 6-14 days and then start adding back small portions of other food. Just trying to be helpful.